The specifications of modern electronic devices (such as wearable electronic devices) require blind buried via circuit board factories to adopt multi-layer HDI PCB buried blind via processing solutions, and there are a large number of components on the surface even in the PCB buried blind via processing. This requires fine conductor widths, and the spacing between them is narrower than conventional designs allow. Since ordinary through holes will never fit in the available space, manufacturers must use laser drilling for blind holes and embedded microvias.
Blind and buried via circuit board factories are building more circuit boards with buried microvias because it helps increase the number of interconnections in the circuit board while freeing up valuable space on the outer layer to place more components. In addition to microvia technology and more and more layers, another aspect of this advanced PCB buried blind hole processing design is that the complex PCB becomes thinner and thinner. Manufacturers now use thinner prepregs and cores than traditional designs.
With the rapid use of micro-equipment, the production equipment of PCB blind buried-via circuit board factories is facing tremendous pressure for complex PCB production. The production of HDI PCB requires many equipment used by traditional circuit board manufacturers, because the several stages of the manufacturing process are similar, but HDI PCB requires the use of small geometric shapes that only complex equipment can handle.
For example, the use of HDI technology to manufacture complex PCB blind buried vias. Circuit board factories include stacked multi-layer blind vias or embedded micro vias. Not only does it require some extra steps to make these micro-holes, but the manufacturer has to repeat it many times. Repetition increases complexity and risk of error.
XPCB Limited is a manufacturer specializing in the production of high-precision double-sided, multi-layer and impedance, blind buried vias, and thick copper circuit boards. The products cover HDI, thick copper, backplanes, rigid-flex combined, buried capacitance and buried resistance, Golden Finger and other kinds of circuit boards, which can meet the needs of customers for all kinds of products.
XPCB Limited is a premium PCB & PCBA manufacturer based in China.
We specialize in multilayer flexible circuits, rigid-flex PCB, HDI PCB, and Rogers PCB.
Quick-turn PCB prototyping is our specialty. Demanding project is our advantage.
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