Damage to flexible printed circuit boards (PCB) can be related to one of two factors: environment and manufacturing. By working with a reliable supplier, you can protect your flexible PCB from these risks.
The following environmental factors may damage the flexible circuit board:
Moisture: When water passes through two channels on the PCB, it can cause the board to fail. Moist conditions can cause the PCB to come into contact with water. In addition, moisture can promote mold growth, which is another factor that causes PCB damage.
Electrostatic: Fabric and carpet surfaces produce a small amount of static electricity that can cause serious PCB damage. In effect, the electrostatic charge blows away the etching on the entire board.
Dust: Dust in the PCB may cause damage due to its behavior as an insulator. When operating electronic equipment, it can reduce the heat dissipation capacity of flexible PCB, leading to thermal stress caused by high temperature.
Extreme Temperature: Extreme cold and extreme heat can damage the flexible PCB. The heat can deform the substrate, causing a disconnection and impeding the current.
Chemical Exposure: Chemical materials can even corrode the PCB in the form of smoke. When users use cleaning products to store electronic products, PCB corrosion caused by chemical substances often occurs. Over time, fumes from cleaning products eventually corrode the PCB.
Pest Exposure: In warehouses and other types of storage areas, animals such as rats and rats may damage electronic devices equipped with PCBs. Incorrectly stored flexible PCBs can become part of a nest or chewing item.
During manufacturing and handling, the following problems may cause damage to the flexible PCB:
Physical Forces: Although flexible PCBs are subjected to greater impact than rigid PCBs, they still need to be protected from physical forces. Dropping or flattening a flexible PCB can damage parts such as surface mounting assemblies.
Track damage: Track damage in a flexible PCB can occur for a number of reasons. Surges, lightning strikes, and metal dust contamination can all damage PCB wiring.
Faulty components: Faulty PCB components can damage the board by not working correctly. In some cases, this component does not protect the PCB from heat damage. In some cases, components can be damaged directly due to corrosion or power surges.
Design and Manufacturing Errors: Flexible PCBs need to be carefully designed and manufactured to work reliably when bent. Improper circuit wiring and materials can prevent flexible PCBs from bearing the physical stresses of bending.
XPCB Limited is a premium PCB & PCBA manufacturer based in China.
We specialize in multilayer flexible circuits, rigid-flex PCB, HDI PCB, and Rogers PCB.
Quick-turn PCB prototyping is our specialty. Demanding project is our advantage.
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